Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 2 ­­­- Fun with Shaving Cream Activity

Today I decided to do a new activity with my little man. Connor is 2 and full of energy these days. Unfortunately, I have been slacking on doing crafty, messy things with him. This is partly because I also have a 5 month old and partly because he dislikes touching a lot of different textures. Today I decided to give it a shot anyway and did what I call "Fun with Shaving Cream".

Here's what you need:

Shaving cream
Food coloring (optional)

After raiding the hubby's shaving kit, we set up the living room for the mess to come by laying down towels and moving everything away (I'm going to have to set up a craft spot downstairs from now on).  I then stripped Connor down to his diaper (I also need to buy an apron for him) and grabbed one of the bedside tables we have to use as a counter top for him. For the shaving cream I went with 2 different colors, blue and yellow, so that when he mixed them it would turn another color.

Here's what we thought:


After poking it a couple times, Connor decided it might be fun but only if I got messy too. I had to show him that it was ok to make a mess and smear it all over of table. He finally got his hands covered but it turned into me mostly playing with the shaving cream and him watching. Don't get me wrong, he had a blast watching and laughed a lot, but it wasn't quite the same as him playing with it. So, in order to get him involved a bit more, I started writing letters and numbers in it. Then I drew shapes and had him poke the shape I named. I think this was his favorite part, other than the clean up. Overall, Connor was entertained for about 30 minutes and insisted that he help clean it all up when we were done playing.

What I would do differently:

Next time, I will make sure to use plain shaving cream without the aloe. My hands are still tingling from that. Also, it would be fun to have some straws, paintbrushes, sponges and things like that to use.    

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