Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 12 - PeekaBoo and Where's Baby?

One of the greatest moments for me as a mom is the first time my little one finds peekaboo entertaining. Today was that day!

What you need:

A blanket/sheet/scarf or other things to cover the baby's view (I used a burp cloth)
A mirror

What we did:

I started by putting the burp cloth on Cayleigh's head to see if she would respond at all. She found it so funny she repeatedly took it off and tried to put in on her own head. I then moved into a simple game of peekaboo. I blocked Cayleigh's view of me and then moved the cloth quickly away. Cayleigh maintained eye contact and smiled and laughed every time. Since she was having so much fun, I got the baby mirror and started covering it and asking "Where's baby?". She would grab the burp cloth and stare in the mirror while I said "There she is!" Of course, she's too young to understand it's her in the mirror but she was fascinated by the other baby.

What I would do differently:

Nothing! One of my favorite memories. I still remember Connor's first real game of peekaboo and he still loves it almost 2 years later!

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